ICO Details
50% Burned before launch
10% Private Sale
18% Public Sale
14% Liquidity
8% Reserve
Book Worm is designed and created to bring publishing library and E-Books to cryptocurrency market. We have designed a new Read-to-Earn system, where our users not only access every book on our application for free but also earn BUSD after they have finished our promoted books. You will be able to access books by just simply staking your tokens, the amount needed for each book will be calculated by the books market price and other aspects.
This process of staking will stabilize and give growth to our tokens value and also you'll be investing in a very promising project while you read a book to invest in yourself!
Readers can easily access books by staking their tokens and also be rewarded in BUSD when they finish that book.
Authors will have access to a massive cryptocurrency market and earn passive income by publishing their books on our platform.
Translators will be able to translate books and benefit from them.
NFT Market Place, Everyone has a favorite author who they would love to have a NFT created by them.
Book Worm