BTU Protocol ICO

BTU Protocol

**UPDATE - Flash sale over to around 5.5M USD in tokens, no announcement on release or listing dates. ** BTU Protocol is an open decentralized ERC-808 smart contract-based booking protocol which facilitates the reservation process between resource providers, bookers, and booking platforms.

ICO Details

Starting date
June 28th, 2018
Ending date
June 30th, 2018
Token Sale Hard Cap
$ 25,000,000
Token Sale Soft Cap
Presale Start Date
February 12th, 2018
Presale End Date
March 27th, 2018
Token Symbol
Token Type
ERC20 token
Token Distribution
-The BTU tokens dedicated to purchasers will represent a maximum of 50% of the total BTU outstanding.
-20% belongs to 808 Labs with a 2-year lock-up (company reserve).
-20% belongs to 808 Labs to compensate the founders with a lock-up of one year.
-10% of the total BTU number will be used as bounties over time.

The Booking Token Unit (BTU) protocol is a standardized building block for any decentralized application (dApp) or web site willing to implement booking features for their end-users. The BTU protocol also brings interoperability among decentralized applications that incorporate it.

All platforms implementing the BTU protocol would benefit from a hybrid approach combining an on-chain smart contract and off-chain software components, providing more scalability. A transparent and public inventory enabled by an open-source protocol would considerably lower the entry barriers to many internet booking markets.

Core Team

Vidal Chriqui
Managing Director

Hervé Hababou

Kary Bheemaiah
Blockchain Ambassador

Franck Delorme
Software Industry Ambassador

Pascal Bordat
Travel Industry Ambassador

Advisory Team

Antoine Gabizon

Arnaud Grünthaler