ICO successfully completed. Mainsale hard-cap met.
ICO Details
44% or 440,000,000 CLB (440 million CLB) will be allocated for Token Sales events
25% or 250,000,000 CLB (250 million CLB) will be allocated for the Cloudbric Security Rewards Program, as well as additional internal service management or operational costs
16% or 160,000,000 CLB (160 million CLB) will be allocated for the core Cloudbric team and advisors
10% or 100,000,000 CLB (100 million CLB) will be allocated as an investment reserve (i.e. potential exchange listing, strategic partnerships, etc.)
5% or 50,000,000 CLB (50 million CLB) will be allocated for potential short and long term marketing efforts to help promote CLB tokens
Cloudbric is a decentralized universal security platform featuring enterprise-grade website, mobile device and crypto asset security, as well as access to a community driven threat intelligence database all powered through a new AI-based technology called VISION.
Their goal is to secure the entire blockchain experience for users and businesses alike so that they can help further encourages the widespread adoption of this great technology to masses.
All cyber threat data compiled by Cloudbric's award winning security detection engine will be decentralized and made accessible in the form of free-to-use security resources found on Cloudbric Labs (beta version accessible) to help spark innovation by developers and the wider security community.
Furthermore, by contributing anonymous cyber attack logs to VISION, users will be able to further train Cloudbric's deep learning module for more advanced learning and detection capabilities. Users will then be rewarded with free CLB token distributions for their security contributions.
YoungHa Kim
Steve C. Y. Pang
Casper Wong
Jae-Woo Lee
Seokwoo Lee
Kazunari Miyazaki
Dennis Kim
William H. Nguyen
Jin Woo Shin
Kyle Riley
Jay Hwang
Trent Barnes