ICO Details
equal number of CMS tokens will be issued and issuance will be locked. In other words,
100% more will be issued over the subscribed number.
● Of this 100% more, 10% will be distributed as referral bonuses to token sale referrals.
40% will be distributed to the existing management team, stakeholders, developers,
employees, contractors, and COMSA ICO committee management. 50% will be retained by
Tech Bureau for future development, future distributions, marketing, partnerships,
compensations, and expansions.
● As a result, 55% of the grand total will be distributed to the contributors
COMSA aims to solve the problem of bridging enterprises and their existing businesses to public blockchains. COMSA is proposing to bridge NEM, Ethereum and the Bitcoin public networks together with the mijin private blockchains that enterprises will be using. The idea is to bridge these enterprises and cryptocurrency owners so as to provide an avenue for cryptocurrency owners to spend while enterprises can have an immediate and extended market to sell their products and services and continue to develop their blockchain solutions to cater for mainstream users.
Additionally, this symbiosis also allows both sides of the crypto and mainstream economies to come together on a common ground, promoting the proliferation of the crypto economy into the mainstream, vice-versa, and therefore, help in the widespread acceptance of crypto currencies.
In summary, the COMSA solution provides the following:
1. Hybrid token issuance pegged between NEM and Ethereum blockchains.
2. ICO solution and support using the above.
3. Crypto pegged tokens on NEM and Ethereum (BTC, ETH, and XEM)
4. Fiat currency pegged tokens on NEM and Ethereum. (JPYZ, Tether, etc.)
5. High-throughput private blockchain mijin for the internal token ledger.
6. Crypto exchange Zaif to guarantee listings of tokens and to insure pegged tokens.
Masakazu Masujima
Michio Asayama