Pundi X Hot
UPDATE: PUNDI X's token sale has ended as they reached the hard cap in less than 90 minutes. Listed on IDEX, Bibox Coinnest.kr
ICO Details
This ICO will sell 30% of the total PXS, of which 20% will be sold to the public and 10% will be retained by the company, founders, and advisors as well as for marketing expenses related to this ICO. The remaining 70% will be distributed to all token holders, at a distribution rate that reduces every year. In the first year 40% of the PXS will be distributed, 20% in the second year and 10% in the third year.
Pundi X strives to become cryptocurrency’s largest offline sales network (think Walmart or 7-Eleven of cryptocurrency), providing the first comprehensive offline cryptocurrency sales solutions. This includes: a decentralized sales network, multi currency wallet (fiat and cryptocurrency, assisted by Pundi-Pundi), a decentralized multi exchange platform (connecting different online cryptocurrency exchanges), decentralized ICO platform etc. Our already published Pundi-Pundi apps will complement and expedite the growth of Pundi X.
Miko Matsumura
David Ben Kay