Saito fixes the collective action problems that impede scaling in proof-of-work and proof-ofstake blockchains by coupling a circular ledger to a consensus mechanism that incentivizes the collection and sharing of transaction fees
ICO Details
Foundation 15%
Advisors 25%
Seed Sale 10.1%
Private Sale 13.9%
Public Sale 1%
Community 20%
Powerful Applications
Saito powers games, communication tools, social media apps and other data and bandwidth-intensive applications
Polkadot Ecosystem
Saito applications come with full support for Polkadot and other leading Web3 blockchains
Proper Economics
An elegant economic design that solves fundamental scaling problems
Open Infrastructure
Saito funds the rollout of infrastructure for other networks as well as its own
Peer-to-Peer Web3 Toolkit
Libraries that support everything from QR-generation and scanning to ZKP-based gaming functions
App Deployment
Open AppStore that lets developers build and deploy apps without the need to run any infrastructure
Enterprise PKI Support
A scalable PKI network layer designed to handle enterprise-level key-exchange and encryption requirements
Vibrant Community
A growing community of users interested in and excited about the applications you want to build...