ShareRing Hot
The world's first trusted token for sharing services **UPDATE - Sale has ended, no announcements of token release, amount raised or exchange.**
ICO Details
Advisors 10%
Bounty Program 5%
ShareRing 24%
Token Sale Contributors 60%
A sharing token that's accepted over oceans and across borders.
Based on blockchain technology, trust is built in from the ground up.
Easy enough to be used by everyone, from individuals to big business.
Pay anyone, anywhere and have the transaction confirmed on the spot.
Support for companies who want to start sharing things for the first time.
One ID
A seamless way to verify your identity across different sharing services.
Richard Kastelein
Ting Y Chan
Gary Palmer
Adrian McCullagh
Christopher Emms
Jonathan Galea
Anna Melton
Jim Shiyu Jin
Chelsea Rustrum
Lynn Ding