ICO Details
Soma stands for the Social market. Soma is a blockchainbased social marketplace that supports the Soma community
by implementing a rewarding system that utilizes Soma Community Token (SCT), which is a cryptocurrency designed
to incentivize community members to perform actions that create social wealth within the community.
Soma enables its users to interact socially with various features implemented on the platform and users get rewarded for doing so. Soma includes generally known concepts from traditional social media platforms (i.e. liking and sharing) and utilizes the blockchain technology to incentivize its users to leverage social capital. By incentivizing users to engage in such actions, Soma will facilitate recycling and take the sharing economy to the next level. One of our core values is a clean environment and we believe that it is absolutely necessary to change our consumption habits in the western world by allocating unutilized resources more efficiently.
Arto Joensuu
Marcin Zduniak
Michael Gord