UPDATE: After raising more than $30M in december 2017, Storm is now listed in several exchanges such as Binance, HitBTC, Coinnest and Radar Relay. More information on listings here :
ICO Details
Gamified micro-platform which allows users to earn from anywhere, at any time and from any device.
The Blockchain enables to match Storm Players and Storm Makers in an efficient way, which makes it possible to: perform micro-tasks in 5 minutes or less, from any mobile device, and people being rewarded for performing the task. These terms are enforced by The Storm contracts (smart contracts) for the length of the contract’s engagement. The automation of enforcing the terms of the engagement and payment to participants with almost no human intervention provides an efficient system where fees are reduced, and with turnaround times that are much faster.
Storm Market includes Storm Play, Storm Shop and Storm Gigs.
Storm Play is a way of earning by playing videos and trying out new product and services,
Storm Shop allows users to earn by shopping for products and services (still to be defined),
Storm Gig enables to Earn by performing micro-tasks, such as: machine learning, QA testing, and P2P freelancing tasks.
Bill Shihara
Tom Bollich