Tapmydata Hot
In a world where everyone is talking about decentralized finance while seeding their data for big corporations to monetize it - TAP brings the way to break this cycle of data abuse. Share what you want, where you want, and put a value to it - TAP will do the rest.
ICO Details
15% - Team
15% - Shareholders
11% - Advisors
34% - Reserve
Tapmydata is an innovative solution to the common question, how is my data being used? Big corporations have taken advantage of everyday users for long enough, it is time to start the data revolution by taking back control. Using our advanced and robust data rights channel, organizations can begin to rebuild trust with everyday users securely and transparently. We have a proven capability to deliver consumer-grade technology that works reliably, with Privacy by Design techniques and utilizing the public blockchain as a statement of record.
Covering PrivTech, crypto, and data commerce, our leadership team is experienced in founding, growing, and exiting businesses across the tech spectrum. Our specialists bring together the skills to take new ideas from conception through MVP to delivery on an agile basis.